Home Inspection

How to Use Our Directory to Find Trusted Roofers: A Step-by-Step Guide on Navigating the Directory and Finding the Right Roofing Contractor

2024-07-02T13:53:17-04:00June 2nd, 2024|General Contractor, Home Inspection, Home Remodeling, Home Renovation|

When it comes to maintaining or repairing your roof, finding the right contractor is essential. Roofing Contractors Now offers a comprehensive directory to help you locate trusted roofers in your area. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to navigate our directory and find "local roofing contractors near me" to ensure you get

How To Understand The Finding On Your Home Inspection

2023-07-17T16:49:57-04:00November 2nd, 2022|Home Inspection|

All home inspections are subjective, and no two inspectors will write an inspection report with the same terminology. If you’ve had a home inspection and the results seem alarming to you, there are some questions you need to consider before making a final purchase decision. Is the deficiency a code violation? All existing homes likely have some building

Hire a Home Inspector for Your New Build Home!

2023-07-21T17:09:48-04:00April 1st, 2022|Home Inspection|

When buying an older home most prospective buyers will hire a home inspector without a doubt, but what about a brand new home? I mean the new build home is brand new and just built so it should be perfect right? Sadly this isn’t always true. Here are some reasons you should get your

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