Author: Stratedia

How To Up Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

But why market on LinkedIn in the first place? This might be the first thought that pops into your head. And it’s understandable because you want to make sure your efforts go into a platform that delivers real results. So here’s a quick look at the benefits of marketing on LinkedIn:

  • LinkedIn has helped 45% of marketers with customer acquisition.
  • Compared to Facebook, it generates leads 277% more effectively.
  • LinkedIn accounts for 80% of B2B leads.
  • It also accounts nearly 50% of the total social traffic coming to B2B sites.
  • LinkedIn is the top choice for professionally relevant content, with 91% of executives choosing the platform.

These are just some of the many reasons why you should focus your efforts on LinkedIn marketing and optimize any existing strategy you might have.

How to market on LinkedIn

Now let’s move on to the most important part of the post–how to market on LinkedIn. Although you can absolutely build your LinkedIn marketing strategy from scratch, these tips will serve as an inspiration for your campaigns. Check out these seven tips for marketing on the platform.

Optimize your profile

This may seem like the most basic step, but it’s easy to overlook when you’re focusing your efforts on the more advanced LinkedIn marketing tactics. Whether you’re marketing through a company page or your personal account, it’s crucial that you make certain profile improvements that’ll increase your chances of getting noticed.

Publish content that adds value

Marketing on LinkedIn is less about creating sales-y promotional messages and more about adding value to the lives of your audience. In fact, B2B marketers who put their audience’s informational needs first make up 88% of the top performers in content marketing.

So you should use LinkedIn to create, share and publish content that serves some purpose–whether it’s to educate, inform, guide, inspire or entertain your audience. This improves the chances of getting your audience to engage with your content and building a connection with you or your company.

Get your employees involved

LinkedIn is all about the connections you make. And as the most reliable advocates of your brand, your employees can play a critical role in broadening your reach and strengthening your network on the platform. So your LinkedIn marketing strategy requires heavy involvement from your employees.

Encourage your employees to add your company to their personal profiles. This automatically turns them into followers and helps your company get noticed on the platform. Plus, it’ll make it easier for your employees to engage with your company updates and share them with their connections. They can share news, articles or round-up posts featuring your brand.

Use rich media to create a bigger impact

Although LinkedIn is a professional platform, that doesn’t mean you should strictly confine yourself to text-only posts. Just like on any other social media platform, adding visually appealing elements like photos and videos can help you capture the attention of your LinkedIn target audience more effectively.

Adding custom images can get you twice as many comments on your posts, significantly driving up your overall reach and engagement rate. And video also drives up your engagement rate by five times, which makes it a critical part of your LinkedIn marketing strategy. The most impressive number is with live video, which helps you gain a whopping 25 times higher engagement rate.


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Author: Stratedia

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