Roofing Contractor

Signs Your Roof Might Have Water Damage

2024-03-20T01:37:51-04:00January 10th, 2023|Roofing, Roofing Contractor|

If a tree branch crashes into your roof, and water pours through resulting cracks or holes, you know you have a major problem. More often, though, roofs sustain water damage in quieter, more subtle ways. Things like missing shingles, poor flashing or underlayment installation, or erosion as the result of roof algae, allow moisture

The Different Types of Elastomeric Coatings

2024-03-20T01:39:29-04:00December 11th, 2022|Acrylic Roof Coating, Elastomeric Roof Coating, Roof Coating Contractor, Roofing Contractor, Silicone Roofing|

There are generally three types of roof coatings you can choose from when restoring your roofing system. These include silicone, elastomeric, and acrylic. A roof coating is a cost-effective option that beats out a full roof replacement for many building owners and residents. When choosing a roof coating, you must understand the difference in